Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Cities: area and population


Districts: Urban, Suburbs, Metro, Counties
Area: 16,801.25 km2 (Mountain: 61.4%, Plain: 38.6%)
Density: 1008.9/km2
Urban (东城、西城、崇文、宣武): 92.93 km2; 2,069,000
Suburbs (朝阳、海淀、丰台、石景山): 1275.93 km2; 8,054,000
Metro (门头沟、房山、通州、顺义、昌平、大兴、怀柔、平谷): 10819.02 km2; 5,472,000
Counties (密云、延庆): 4223.2 km2; 735,000


Districts: Puxi, Pudong, Suburbs, Chongming Island
Area: 6,340 km2
Population: 18,884,600
Density: 2,683.6/km2
Puxi (黄埔、卢湾、徐汇、长宁、静安、普陀、闸北、虹口、杨浦): 279.44 km2; 6,529,700
Pudong (浦东): 532.75 km2; 3,057,000
Suburbs (闵行、嘉定、宝山、青浦、松江、金山、奉贤): 4332.82 km2; 8,625,300
Chongming Island (崇明): 1185.49 km2; 672,600

Hong Kong

Districts: The New Territories, Kowloon, Hong Kong Island
Area: 1,104 km2
Population: 7,055,071
Density: 6076.4/km2
Hong Kong Island (港島): 80.5 km2; 1,289,500
Kowloon (九龍): 46.93 km2; 2,019,533
The New Territories (新界): 952 km2; 3,573,635

New York

City Districts: The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island (Five Boroughs)
Area: City: 1214.4 km2 (Land: 789.4 km2 + Water: 428.8 km2); Metro: 17,405 km2
Population: City: 8,363,710; Metro: 19,006,798
Density: 1,092/km2
Manhattan (曼哈頓): 59.5 km2; 1,634,795
Queens (皇后區): 282.9 km2; 2,293,007
Brooklyn (布魯克林): 182.9 km2; 2,556,598
The Bronx (布朗克斯): 108.9 km2; 1,391,903
Staten Island (斯塔滕島): 151.5 km2; 487,407

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