[Barbri staff makes announcement before class] Summer's getting thick here and pressure's building....remember don't bring any smelly food into the classroom...oh, also, shower before coming to class...[smothered laughter and whispering all over the place...]
Central Park in the early summer is always so enchanting. Wanna read up on authors who have written beautifully about New York -- recommendations welcome.
Hello fee simple my old friend, I've come to talk with you again
Was listening to WNYC last night and there was this interview with the editor of a new book called "Man with a Pan -- Culinary Adventures of Fathers Who Cook for Their Families." It's a 14-minute interview and I enjoyed it a lot: http://www.wnyc.org/shows/lopate/2011/jun/13/john-donahue-man-pan/
[Barbri staff makes announcement before class] Summer's getting thick here and pressure's building....remember don't bring any smelly food into the classroom...oh, also, shower before coming to class...[smothered laughter and whispering all over the place...]
Central Park in the early summer is always so enchanting. Wanna read up on authors who have written beautifully about New York -- recommendations welcome.
Hello fee simple my old friend, I've come to talk with you again
Was listening to WNYC last night and there was this interview with the editor of a new book called "Man with a Pan -- Culinary Adventures of Fathers Who Cook for Their Families." It's a 14-minute interview and I enjoyed it a lot: http://www.wnyc.org/shows/lopate/2011/jun/13/john-donahue-man-pan/
(random thoughts on a Friday night) 其实世间事都是相互转化的。结婚晚一点,将来有一天如果老伴先你而去的话,痛苦可能也就少一点。毕竟属于自己一个人的记忆就多一点。欢乐少一分,痛苦也就相应地少一分。
(random thoughts during bar review) 中国在本质上是政教合一的。由于中国历来缺乏一个真正意义上的宗教,以及世俗社会和历史文化的高度发达,“中华文明”实际是作为一种宗教的替代品出现在人们的精神世界中。而中国的政体则以“中华文明”这一宗教的守望者的姿态存在,因而获得某种宗教意义上的神圣感。以上观点受到Martin Jacques前段时间在TED的演讲所启发。
Was listening to NPR's "Fresh Air" this afternoon and the interviewee's voice and tone and accent sound eerily like Obama's but he wasn't. Then started to miss those good old days in St. Louis and Pittsburgh when I drove everyday and got a healthy daily dose of radio broadcast on the road. There was one bright afternoon when I was so fascinated by the program (yes it was Fresh Air) that even though I already arrived home, I sat in the car for another good 20 minutes just to finish listening, and then climbed up the stairs with a heart full of joy. God I love radio.
A judge in the Guangdong Province High Court just added me on LinkedIn...Chinese judges are so active on social networks! And so young! (this guy was even a year after me at Renmin U.) Is there any sort of judicial ethics code prohibiting them from using LinkedIn, Douban, etc, and tweeting all the time?
I just searched for someone and Google turned up a wedding announcement published in the New York Times on April 17, 1983. Did the bride and bridegroom realize that their announcement would be read 28+ years later by someone born after their wedding? (Anyway, I thought it was pretty sweet...)
-- I love reading these wedding announcements. The newspapers and magazines really do a good job digitalizing their old archives and making them available to the public. The top two articles I enjoyed reading in the Time Magazine were published in 1953 and 1977, which I found by serendipity when researching some random issues. It's amazing how continuous, fluid and serene the American society has been, especially when contracted with the Chinese society which appears interrupted, severed and fragmented by traumatic events like the Cultural Revolution.
STB北京办的阵容很像一支足球队阿。。。(if you think of partner=教练,counsel=守门员,associate=球员)
FB gave me a lot of heart attacks in terms of marriage/engagement news this year.
The Barbri live classroom at 1500 Broadway is great. It brings together students from so many law schools from all over the country, from coast to coast.
When preparing breakfast this morning, I had a strange feeling that this summer resembles last summer in Beijing more than the summer here in New York two years ago. But then the topic today was New York Practice, which drew me back to the memory palace of 26 Broadway.
The sense of loneliness really started to dissipate in the second half of my sixth year in America. It no longer troubles me even though I spend the majority of my time alone. The nostalgia for the good old days in China gradually goes away. The loneliness was replaced by an encompassing sense of numbness.
A comment (and a few ensuing comments) is deleted. I maintain a general principle of politeness in moderating comments on my Facebook space. I delete languages that discriminates against or insults a certain group of people. In weighing politeness / collegiality and freedom of speech, my balance here tips in favor of the former. Thanks.
It is a crime not to be outdoors today.
secrecy and dispatch
After listening to "Smooth Jazz" for 4 years, I recently switched to "Martini Lounge." It's been a refreshingly new start.
I spent late afternoon sitting in the Heckscher Ballfields in the Central Park, watching kids in red and green shirts playing softball, and parents rooting for them from the bleachers. It was a bliss opening up all senses to soak in nature and not having to stare at a computer screen. For all the people I could see, I was the only Asian. For the first time in a long time, it felt completely American and un-New York. It was like a movie scene.
Getting tenured at an American university is not unlike being inducted into the Chinese officialdom. You get security, and a lot of contempt.
I was reading George Orwell's "Nineteen Eighty-Four" on the subway tonight. There was a slight sense of disappointment, and I suspect it is because 1) too high of an expectation; 2) my English is not yet good enough to pick up all the subtlety in his language; 3) I'm not really in a mood to read a novel of this genre; 4) the Chinese novel I read last night, "Love in a Fallen City," by Eileen Chang, was simply too good.
《倾城之恋》果然很短,今天在地铁上便看完了。很有趣的故事。“香港的陷落成全了她” ── 是不是只有一座城的陷落才能成全一个人?
Chevron & Chevrolet
my senior editor circled 150 small circles in my paper. that means I will have to expand the footnotes from about 150 to 300. for a 50-page paper. oh yeah.
这篇论文里引用的新闻稿本来几乎是清一色英文报刊,只求易辨识且无需翻译,无奈领导要求严格,每项事实都要求有出处,于是只好又加上一些之前参考的中文文章。有篇文章的题目叫做《鼎晖创投从“傍大行”到“大行”》,看到时先愣了一下,思忖片刻后译作“CDH: From Gold Digger to Gold”。似乎还保留了一些原题的风味。
sold 6 books on Amazon since Feb. Is this what they call offloading?...
I need an alarm clock that rings once every hour, so that I can remember to get up and walk around a bit.
One way to reduce frivolous emails is to insert a middle stage into the sending action: first you send it to an "interim box," and then you have to go to that interim box and click send again. Basically, to increase the cost of this action.
Life's good after an afternoon cup of Victorian Earl Grey and an impromptu serenade from Enrico Toselli.
Cat's Cradle. Kurt Vonnegurt. Schlachthof Fünf. Bombing of Dresden.
infinite approximation
The Wachtell speed as recorded by Word's Track Changes. Positively awed.
With the new ultra-light, double-hang wardrobe lying comfortably against the wall, I now officially pardon my new room's not having a closet.
Sitting in my First Amendment class, couldn't help but imagining teaching a similar, semester-long seminar with these interesting cases to CPC Central Publicity/Propaganda Department officials. Must be fascinating discussions. Strict scrutiny, intermediate scrutiny, who else on earth could know better than those kids?
The greatest hidden peril of the internet is not that it eliminates the distance in space, but that it eliminates the distance in time, so that every moment in the past can be now, and now can be any moment in the future. (random thought on my way back home from dinner.)
雨后春笋 v. Mushroom
surrounding myself with the hallucination of being a fancy corporate/finance lawyer by writing this PE paper
hatching a spectacular footnote on a sunny Friday afternoon
Rose (Georgia), Orange (Ukraine), Cedar (Lebanon), Tulip (Kyrgyzstan), Jasmine (Tunisia)...轮到中国是不是该叫牡丹了?嗯,牡丹革命有点意思,应该把这个概念包装一下搞上市。来个triple listing就更给力了,纽沪港一起上。
going guirrilla
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