Friday, July 01, 2011

Status updates 2011 - Second Half





According to recent reports in the Washington Post and the New York Times, the median net worth of the 535 members of the Congress (100 Senators and 435 Representatives) is about 900,000 US dollars. That translates to roughly 5.7 million Chinese yuan. An interesting question to ponder is what is the median net worth of China's political elites. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has approximately 350 members and alternates, and the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress has about 175 members. A lot of overlap between the two committees, but that's probably a good starting point.


Love Brewster


I uploaded this song and the other two Condor Heroes theme songs to YouTube 6 months ago, when I was reviewing for the bar. They have taken a life of their own since; together they have been viewed 100,000 times, won 200 likes and 0 dislikes. In comparison, it took my blog about 5 years to reach its 50,000th hit. Videos are so powerful.


Spent this year's Christmas Eve with a couple of economists (in the interest of full disclosure, one in academia and one in industry), some bankers, one biologist, one stylist -- and delightfully, no lawyers. A lawyer as I am, I still greatly relish, perhaps even more than before, hanging out with my fellow (in italics and in quotes) economists. Economics is a science (some would add pseudo-) and is after the truth; law is after the somewhat more elusive "justice." To me, truth remains the more intellectually appealing objective. And in all fairness to New York my love, this Christmas Eve in Hong Kong beats all three Eves I spent in New York, for the wonderful music, wine, company and hostess. Merry Christmas to everybody!


Listening to Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No. 2 (1901). This piece sounds peculiarly familiar and romantic to my ears. I guess the reason is that 20th century Chinese musicians, and artists in general, were so heavily influenced by Russian arts that Russian elements permeates the culture that I grew up being immersed in.

Listening to Brahms' Piano Concerto No. 2 in B-flat major, Op. 83 (1881). It seems to me the Star Wars theme music borrowed some elements from this masterpiece.



What's the difference between Nihilism and Buddhism?




scrambling to find a word

When I first went to the United States in 2005, I'd watch "NewsHour with Jim Lehrer" on PBS in the early evenings. At the end of the program there was a weekly "Honor Roll," in which the picture, name, rank, and hometown of US military personnel killed in Iraq and Afghanistan were displayed in silence. I'd try to remember those faces.


To my great surprise, I was nominated a "Best Actor in a Supporting Role" at the firm's annual retreat banquet...for my shoddy performance as an evil underwriter counsel who kidnapped the company's Chairman at the printer but was later annihilated by an Orrick-attorney-turned-Superman (yeah it was a superhero-genre mini movie).


终于找到组织了。今天下午逆行卫奕信径(Wilson Trail)第一段(黄泥涌水塘到赤柱峡道),三小时山路,一路风景旖旎自不待言。牛刀小试,恰到好处。


Hong Kong feels more like New York when it gets cold. A feeling all the more enhanced by an early morning trip uphill to the US Consulate to enjoy American Citizens Service, for reasons other than being an American Citizen.


Now that access to free-flowing, soul-soothing jazz has become all but blocked since I moved out of America, I find a renewed passion in classical music. I find it a healthy antidote to the suffocating materialism here in Hong Kong.






浙江卫视的《婚姻保卫战》比江苏卫视的《非诚勿扰》好看太多了(虽然我是江苏人)。1. 朱丹、戴军搭档比孟非单人主持形式上更活泼;从个体来讲,两位主持,尤其是戴军,非常机智、幽默,成熟中不失清新,相比之下,孟非显得很疲劳。2. 相比于1男选24女,我更喜欢1女选9男的形式,因为这样对女主角性格和人生经历的展示更全面、更丰富。3. 从我刚看过的这期来看,女主角都是三十出头、离过婚,有的带着孩子,这对她们个人固然是巨大的不幸,但她们有勇气走上台就非常值得赞赏,而且这样的故事往往蕴含着对人性极为深刻的解读,笑中含泪,泪中有笑。4. 男女嘉宾普遍比《非诚勿扰》中的嘉宾更真实、更有趣。5. 三位点评嘉宾也更真诚、更有智慧,每场最后的情景表演(心理测试),可谓画龙点睛。

For the first five years of my six-year sojourn in the US, I owned old TVs, but only had access to less than 10 free TV channels (PBS, NBC, ABC, CBS, CW, etc) via antennas. Now in HK, I bought a 1-year-old, 24'' LCD for HK$1000, and signed up a contract of HK$189/month for 80 TV channels (English, Mandarin and Cantonese) and internet. Life's good.


周五深夜去给参加“乐施毅行者”的同事们送粮食和干衣服,其时大雨滂沱,山色幽明之中,但见在Checkpoint 3小憩的千百勇士或立或坐,有的步履蹒跚,踽踽独行,有的谈笑风生,若无其事。恍然间,脑中竟充满七十七年前那场长征的镜头和画面。周一早上见到荣归的同事,得知他们用38小时走完这一百公里的山路。另,中国人民解放军驻港部队以12小时22分的成绩再次夺冠。

"There is evidence that law review articles have left terra firma to soar into outer space." -- Stephen G. Breyer, Supreme Court Justice.

每次经过办公室旁边的那家De Beers,就会想起那句经典的广告词:钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。


My next two books will be ruefully entitled "Confessions of a Shopaholic" and affectionately entitled "The Century of Male Homemakers," and published concurrently by Penguin Books in the US and 三联书店 in China. Stay tuned.


Came back home with a terribly guilty heart after a shopping spree at Sogo in Causeway Bay. Lord, have mercy..

My next book will be wistfully entitled 一个购物狂的忏悔 / Confessions of a Spendthrift and will be published simultaneously by 三联书店 in China and Penguin Books in the UK and the US.






So the five of us (Team Orrick) covered sections 1&2 of the mountainous MacLehose Trail today: 24.9 kilometers in 7 hours (including a combined total of 1 hour break). Drank 2 liters of water and saw A LOT of beautiful scenery. This year's Oxfam Trailwalker (樂施毅行者) will start next Friday morning and cover the entire MacLehose Trail: 100 kilometers, or 62 miles. I will be on the support team and shepherd our people through the last part, sections 9&10 on Saturday night.


Starving and wide awake three am in the morning, I watched "Bridge Jones Diary" on Lotus Macau...and found it refreshingly hilarious cuz, curiously, my memory from the first time watching it ten years ago almost completely faded out...







Several times in the past, I made a note to celebrate the 10000th day in my life, which I believe is Oct. 6, 2011. But my note was scattered somewhere, and I didn't record it in my new calendar purchased in August. So I had this day passing without realizing it. I incidentally looked at Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook page today, where he celebrated his 10000th day on Oct. 1, 2011. But he is one week older than me, and our 10000th days should also be seven days apart. I'm pretty confident about my calculation: (365*27)+6+(11+30+31+31+30+6)=10000 ( In case this is not obvious, +6 is adjustment for leap years; not counting 1984 because Februray of that year was before my birth). Who is right?




Watched "The Adjustment Bureau" en route to Hong Kong and badly missed New York. Once landed, that little homesickness was quickly dispelled by the indefeasible view of the Victoria Harbour at my little hideout.


Chen Show Mao is a very interesting figure. I only knew that he was the managing partner of Davis Polk Beijing office, working on mega deals such as the IPO of the Agricultural Bank of China in 2010. What I did not know is that he recently became a prominent opposition politician in Singapore. I wonder how he balanced the two roles. Also, I suspect this is a precedent-setting career path for US-educated Chinese lawyers.




brawl, skirmish, fracas, melee, scuffle, bickering, squabble, fray, altercation...Why does English need so many different words for, dispute?

irk, irritate, annoy, miff, nettle, peeve, rile, ruffle, vex...Why does English need so many different words for, displease?


A haircut is among the top three things that lifts me up immediately and gives me a sustained invigorated feeling.

Someone turned the temperature of my refrigerator to "Coldest" and my cucumber was frozen into a greenish, cylindrical rock. After I defroze, cut and cooked it (with other things), I found that it has completely lost its taste as a cucumber. I ended up having to pick them all out of the dish. Where is that lifeless tepidity from?


今晚谭盾在林肯中心的露天音乐会“Martial Arts Trilogy” (卧虎藏龙、英雄、夜宴)很成功。可容纳上千人的Damrosc​h Park几乎座无虚席。

Walking up from 51st Street to Lincoln Center, breathing in the warm and mellow air of early evening, I sensed that the hard shell that have grown on me in the three years of law school was finally starting to melt away. I was once again able to feel the pulse of this city.




One of my all-time favorite songs. 还记得去年窝在扬州去北京的火车上铺看了《征婚启事》(《透明》​是那个电影的插曲),看完心里堵得慌。今天知道奶茶终于结婚了,​感叹好人还是会有好报的,虽然来得晚了一点点。祝奶茶一生幸福。

I was running in the upper portion of the Central Park (somewhere between 105 and 110) when a young woman came to me and asked, "Do you know where is 103 St.?" "East or west?" "West." was the reply. "Oh," I said, "you are going in the opposite direction." She was in doubt, "Are you sure, cuz..." I said, "yeah because I come from the east..." As I continued down the path, ten seconds later, I realized I just made a statement that's true locally and globally, figuratively and literally.





How to maintain an exuberant intellectual life, and hopefully, a decent level of output, after finally finishing 24 years of continuous schooling? This seems to be the No. 1 question confronting me these days. And I guess it will continue to be so in the next 24 years.


Sense and sensibility


Eine kleine Nachtmusik

I plan to go through all 9 stages of drunkenness on the night after the bar exam.








That was one big room


"The writers of 'Two and a Half Men' think you are one sick puppy."


Over-indulgence in sensual pleasure is just one of the many bizarre symptoms of China's restrictions of political freedom. Few other channels to divert people's passion and energy.