Saturday, February 21, 2009



上海滩/The Bund (1980)
西游记/Journey to the West (1982)
射雕英雄传/The Legend of the Condor Heroes (1983)
八仙过海/The Eight Immortals Cross the Sea (1985)
红楼梦/Dream of the Red Chamber (1987)

联林珍奇 (....)
封神榜 (1990)
渴望 (1990)
围城/Fortress Besieged (1990)
戏说乾隆 (1991)
小龙人 (1992)
新白娘子传奇/New Legend of Madame White Snake (1992)
北京人在纽约/Beijinger in New York (1993)
包青天/Justice Pao (1993)
我爱我家 (1993)
倚天屠龙记/The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber (1993)
情满珠江 (1994)
三国演义/Romance of the Three Kingdoms (1994)
精武门 (1995)
神雕侠侣/The Return of the Condor Heroes (1995)
天地男儿/Cold Blood Warm Heart (1996)
宰相刘罗锅 (1996)
天龙八部/The Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils (1997)
水浒传/Water Margin (1998)
永不瞑目 (1998)

流星花园/Meteor Garden (2001)
笑傲江湖/State of Divinity (2001)
我们无处安放的青春 (2005)
一江春水向东流 (2005)
武林外传/My Own Swordsman (2006)
大国崛起/The Rise of the Great Powers (2006)
士兵突击/Soldiers Sortie (2006)
人间正道是沧桑/The Road We Have Taken (2009)
蜗居/Dwelling Narrowness (2009)



Seinfeld/宋飞正传 (1989)
Frasier (1993)
Friends (1994)
Everybody Loves Raymond (1996)
The King of Queens (1998)
Will & Grace (1998)
Two and a Half Men (2003)
The Office (2005)
How I Met Your Mother (2005)
The Big Bang Theory (2007)

Animated Sitcom

The Simpsons (1989)
South Park (1997)


Dynasty/豪门恩怨 (1981)
Hunter/神探亨特 (1984)
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes/夏洛克·福尔摩斯 (1984)
Growing Pains/成长的烦恼 (1985)
Beauty and the Beast/侠胆雄狮 (1987)
Around the World in 80 Days/八十天环游地球 (1989)
Baywatch/海岸救护队 (1989)

Law & Order (1990)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman/超人 (1993)
ER/急诊室的故事 (1994)
Sex and the City (1998)
The West Wing (1999)

24 (2001)
Smallville (2001)
Cold Case (2003)
NCIS (2003)
Desperate Housewives (2004)
Lost (2004)
Boston Legal (2004)

Criminal Minds (2005)
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
Prison Break (2005)
Ugly Betty (2006)
Glee (2009)
The Good Wife (2009)
Game of Thrones (2011)


Pride and Prejudice (1995)
Jane Eyre (2006)
Sherlock (2010)


赤い疑惑/血疑 (1975)
恐竜戦隊コセイドン/恐龙特急克塞号 (1978)

東京ラブストーリー/东京爱情故事/Tokyo Love Story (1991)
ロングバケーション/悠长假日/Long Vacation (1996)


러브스토리 인 하버드/爱在哈佛/Love Story in Harvard (2004)

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