
All published in The Atlantic Monthly.
- China's Way Forward (April 2009):Idle factories, moored container ships, widespread bankruptcies, massive migration back to the hinterlands, strangely clean air—the signs of depression are everywhere in China. Because it makes so many of the goods the world isn’t buying now, China stands to be worse hit than the rest of the world —just as America was during the Depression, when it was the world’s sweatshop. But like America then, China will use tough times to design innovative products that will get it the high profits and the high-value jobs Americans kept to themselves for decades. And that is very bad news for the United States, unless it uses tough times to reinvent itself, too.
- Musical Chairs (March 2009): Michael Pettis is a finance pundit by day, a Beijing rock impresario by (very late) night.
- "Be Nice to the Countries that Lend You Money" (December 2008): An interview with America's Chinese banker, Gao Xiqing.
- Their Own Worst Enemy (November 2008): China is stunningly bad at managing its own reputation. Here's why.
- How the West Was Wired (October 2008): Two idealistic Taiwanese businessmen happened into the most rural part of China and thought: Let’s bring it from the 15th century to the 21st. [Slideshow: China's Wild West narrated by James Fallows; Chinese translation of this article]
- "The Connection Has Been Reset" (January/February 2008): China’s Great Firewall is crude, slapdash, and surprisingly easy to breach. Here’s why it’s so effective anyway. [Interview: Penetrating the Great Firewall]
- The $1.4 Trillion Question (January/February 2008): What do we owe China?
- Macau’s Big Gamble (September 2007): Even as foreign investors pour billions into ever-glitzier casinos, the tiny peninsula’s bid to become the Vegas of the Orient depends on China’s larger willingness to embrace transparency and the rule of law.
- China Makes, The World Takes (July/August 2007): A look inside the world’s manufacturing center shows that America should welcome China’s rise—for now. [Slideshow: Made in China]
- Win in China! (April 2007): A reality-TV show is teaching the Chinese how to succeed in business.
- Postcards From Tomorrow Square (December 2006): Our man in Shanghai samples budget beer, survives subway scrimmages, and starts living the contradictions of China’s breakneck modernization.
Postcards from Tomorrow Square: Reports from China (Vintage, January 2009).
Book Review: "Many Chinas", by Jonathan Spence, renowned Sinologist and Yale history professor (New York Times, March 5, 2009).
Sergey Brin and Larry Page with Jim Fallows at Zeitgeist '07: James Fallows moderates a discussion with Google co-founders, Sergey Brin and Larry Page at Zeitgeist '07.
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