Thursday, June 30, 2011


人民日报海外版 2011.6.28



   英法战争之后,英国占全球财富的1/3,英镑成为全球主要货币。但是两次世界战争的爆发,以及一些成本非常高的社会政策,改变了英国的经济地位。 1947年时,英国外相指出,美国的责任以及国家利益要求它,必须要为全球经济增长和繁荣创造一些新的条件。美国因此制定了马歇尔计划,并作出其他承诺。 接下来30年中,全球经济结构重心发生变化,美国越来越发挥重要作用,承担更多责任。




   欧洲正在经历一系列债务危机。危机中,它们采取了包括紧缩的货币措施在内的一些财政措施。很多国家也承诺救市,把私有债务危机变成一个主权债务危机的挑 战是巨大的。债务危机的形成有很多因素,很多债主必须和其他各方合作来解决这个问题。同时,欧洲还面临经济问题和政治体系之间的关系问题。这些挑战,会影 响全球未来发展走向。



   现在,中国的外国伙伴,都非常欣赏中国的观点以及对未来经济发展方向的考虑。它们越来越注意到中国不断增长的重要性。过去几年中,中国人民对国家的能力 越来越有信心。同时,在国际上也有讨论:如何使中国在未来能够防范一些经济下滑现象,包括如何来找到合适的政策减少中国对出口的依靠。





Thursday, June 23, 2011


线路全长1776公里 横跨新、甘、青三省区 北京至乌鲁木齐将缩至12小时

2009年11月04日14:00 来源:人民网

  人民网北京11月4日电 (记者严冰)今天上午11时,兰新铁路第二双线建设动员大会在新疆乌鲁木齐市新建兰新铁路第二双线二宫火车站站址隆重举行, 大会宣布兰新铁路第二双线开工建设。铁道部今天还透露,兰新铁路第二双线自兰州西站引出,经青海省西宁、甘肃省张掖、酒泉、嘉峪关、新疆维吾尔自治区哈 密、吐鲁番,引入乌鲁木齐站,线路横跨新疆、甘肃、青海三省区,全长1776公里,共设31个车站。其中甘肃境内795公里,青海境内268公里,新疆境 内713公里。线路为Ⅰ级双线,设计时速为200公里/小时,兰州至西宁段和哈密至乌鲁木齐段线下预留提速为250公里/小时。项目投资估算总额1435 亿元,建设工期5年。届时,北京至乌鲁木齐将由现在的40小时缩短为12小时左右,列车可实现夕发朝至。

  兰新铁路第二双线是《中长期 铁路网规划》的重点项目,建设这条铁路,将在新疆、甘肃、宁夏三省区之间形成一条新的大能力快速铁路运输通道,大幅提高兰新铁路的运输能力和服务质量,有 利于增进西部地区对内对外经济交流和人员往来,加快沿线工业化、城镇化进程,促进扶贫开发、新农村建设和民族地区的繁荣稳定;有利于优化国家煤炭开放布 局,加快新疆煤炭资源开发和外运,确保国家能源安全;有利于为三省区经济社会更好、更快、更大发展提供可靠的运力保障。

  新建兰新铁路 第二线是2009年西部大开发计划新开工18项重点工程之一,这条铁路建成后,将与既有的兰新铁路以及陇海、兰渝、包兰、太中银等铁路紧密衔接,形成辐射 范围更广、服务人口更多的西部铁路运输网络,深入推进西部大开发,进一步增强西北与华北、华东和西南地区的联系,对进一步提升亚欧大陆桥铁路通道的运输能 力和质量,扩大国际交流合作、构筑我国向西部开放新格局,更好促进西部经济社会发展,具有十分重要的意义。

  根据我国《综合交通网中长 期发展规划》,到2020年,新疆路网结构将从目前的单一点线状况,形成向东4条出疆通道(兰新线、哈临线、青新线、新藏线),向西4条出境通道(兰新线 西段、精伊霍铁路、中吉铁路、中巴铁路),区内4个环线(环塔里木盆地、准格尔盆地、天山北坡、吐鲁番盆地)的新疆铁路主要干线网。按照现有的铁路规划, 新疆新建铁路8700公里,到2015年将有可能达到12000公里,占到全国路网的1/10。

  目前,新疆铁路在建项目共计11项。 即:精伊霍铁路、乌西至精河增建二线、南疆铁路吐鲁番至库尔勒增建二线、南疆线库尔勒至野云沟增建二线、南疆线野云沟至轮台增建二线、奎屯至北屯铁路、乌 准铁路小黄山至五彩湾、乌准铁路五彩湾至将军庙段、喀什至和田铁路、兰新铁路嘉峪关至阿拉山口电气化改造工程、库车西至俄霍布拉克支线铁路。截至日 前,2009年新疆开工建设的铁路已达6条,新建铁路里程将达到6779公里。

  这些铁路工程建成后,将进一步完善新疆地区的铁路网结 构,提升路网质量,扩充运输能力,对于新疆加快完善基础设施网络,培育壮大特色优势产业,增强自我发展和可持续发展能力,打造我国向西开放的桥头堡和枢纽 站,对加快新疆边贸发展,扩大我国与中亚和欧洲的贸易往来,改善沿线地区投资环境并促进沿线地方经济的发展,增进地区民族团结,巩固国防,提高运输能力和 服务质量,降低运输成本,发挥第二条亚欧大陆桥通道的整体效应,提高我国资源的保障能力,将大大缩短西北地区与中东部和西南地区的时空距离,为旅客出行提 供快捷、便捷、舒适的条件。同时,也将大幅提高陆桥通道运输能力和运输质量,进一步巩固我国在国际陆路运输中的重要地位,加快南疆地区脱贫致富,促进我国 东西部地区优势互补,实现全面建设小康社会的目标,促进新疆经济社会又好又快发展具有极其重要的现实意义和深远的历史意义。

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Skinny Dipping Record Attempted for Cancer Cure, Glory in Guinness World Records

Marie Curie Cancer Care, United Kingdom.

Imagine 400 Welsh folks of all ages running into the ocean. Now imagine them naked. Hundreds of skinny dippers tried to set a Guinness World Record Sunday -- the largest group of naked people to jump into a body of water together and wade for at least 10 minutes.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Woo Chia-wei, founding president, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; PhD in physics, Washington University in St. Louis.

Sunday, June 05, 2011

University of Chicago celebrates opening of Center in Beijing

BEIJING - The University of Chicago will celebrate the opening of its Center in Beijing on Sept. 14 and 15, with a series of academic panels and other events, including a forum in which five Nobel laureates - faculty and alumni of the University - will discuss the importance of international collaboration in their work.

More than 500 guests, including University faculty and alumni, and representatives of Chinese universities and agencies, are expected to attend the opening events.

In April the University announced the creation of the Center, which supports collaborations between scholars and students from China and Chicago, across academic disciplines.

The Center has already become a home for research and education for University of Chicago undergraduates, graduate students and faculty working in China, as well as Chinese students and researchers representing a wide array of institutions. It builds on the breadth and the depth of the University's historic engagement in China in many fields of study.

Located in the Haidian District of Beijing, amid many major universities and research institutions, the 23,000-square-foot Center contains conference and classroom spaces, offices for faculty and researchers, and rooms for social events and group study.

At the April announcement, University President Robert J. Zimmer said the Center in Beijing represents the University's long-term commitment to build relationships in China to foster research and education and to exchange and test ideas that will benefit scholars, students and society.

"The Center in Beijing will be an intellectual destination and a permanent base for University of Chicago scholarship in China," Zimmer said. "After more than a century of significant research collaborations between China and Chicago, the Center will provide a focus for building upon that legacy."

Collaboration will be a central theme of the Center's opening events, which kick off Sept. 14 with the Nobel Laureates forum. Participants from the University of Chicago will include Prof. Gary S. Becker, AM'53, PhD'55, who received the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 1992; Prof. James Cronin, SM'53, PhD'55, who received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1980; Prof. James Heckman, who received Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 2000; and Prof. Roger Myerson, who received the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 2007. They will be joined by Prof. Chen Ning Yang of Tsinghua University, PhD'48, who received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1957.

On Sept. 15, Zimmer will host a discussion with three presidents of Chinese universities: Gu Binglin, President of Tsinghua University; Ji Baocheng, President of Renmin University of China; and Zhou Qifeng, President of Peking University. That will be followed by a panel on economic development and the rule of law in China, including Becker, Heckman and Justin Yifu Lin, PhD'86, chief economist of the World Bank. Other panels will cover "Culture in a Globalizing Era" and "Science beyond borders: Chicago and China."

A ribbon-cutting ceremony at the Center will conclude the official events Wednesday, while the other conferences will continue at the Center on Wednesday evening and Thursday.

The Center promotes scholarship through three broad programs: business, economics and policy; science, medicine and public health; and culture, society and the arts. It will house the University's Civilization Abroad program for College students, and will offer an extensive language-training program. It will involve all the University's areas of study, including the professional schools.

During its first year alone, the Center will host more than a dozen academic conferences, covering topics such as global health, family and labor economics, high-energy physics, ink painting and Chinese opera.

"As China undergoes its remarkable transformation, there has never been a more important time for scholars from the U.S. to form fruitful partnerships with their counterparts in China and the region," said Dali Yang, the founding faculty director of the Center, a professor of political science at the University and an expert in the political economy of China. "The presence of the Chicago Center will allow us to promote a broad range of exchanges and collaborations above and beyond what we have been able to do so far."

Provost Thomas Rosenbaum appointed Yang to the three-year leadership post after Yang chaired a faculty committee that recommended creation of the center in 2008. University trustees approved the creation of the Center last year.

The Center in Beijing will be an ambitious step in building the University's international presence. In 2004, the University of Chicago opened its Center in Paris, which brings Chicago faculty overseas to teach University of Chicago curriculum across the disciplines, embracing the rigor and values of the University, while benefiting from the proximity of scholars working in Europe. The University of Chicago Booth School of Business has campuses in London and Singapore, where Chicago faculty teach in degree-granting programs. And the University's Oriental Institute has a headquarters in Luxor, Egypt known as "Chicago House."

An ad hoc faculty committee also has proposed that the University consider establishing a facility in India.

The Center in Beijing will capitalize on a strong body of work already under way. The faculty committee that recommended the Center catalogued dozens of ongoing research partnerships between Chicago scholars and their Chinese counterparts. Examples range from Dr. Janet Rowley's work on leukemia with leading Chinese hospitals to Prof. Paul Sereno's partnerships with Chinese paleontologists studying dinosaurs.

Chicago undergraduates currently have opportunities to study language and Asian civilization with University of Chicago faculty in Beijing, one of nine such Civilization Abroad programs that focus on the intellectual heritage of locations around the world. Graduate students in China do fieldwork in anthropology, history and a host of other studies across the region.

The Center in Beijing is a wholly owned foreign enterprise operating by the name of UCHICAGO () . Day-to-day operations are guided by the Center's executive director, Beth Bader, who previously managed Chicago Booth's Singapore campus. The Center in Beijing will not grant degrees.

Saturday, June 04, 2011

NPR: A Curious Case Of Foreign Accent Syndrome

When Karen Butler went in for dental surgery, she left with more than numb gums: She also picked up a pronounced foreign accent. It wasn't a fluke, or a joke — she'd developed a rare condition called foreign accent syndrome that's usually caused by an injury to the part of the brain that controls speech.

Butler was born in Bloomington, Ill., and moved to Oregon when she was a baby. She's never traveled to Europe or lived in a foreign country — she's an American, she says, "born and bred."

But she doesn't sound like one anymore. Her accent is now a hodgepodge of English, Irish and perhaps a bit of other European accents.

The problem started about a year and a half ago, when she was put under anesthesia while the dentist removed several teeth.

"I just went to sleep and I woke up and my mouth was all sore and swollen, and I talked funny. And the dentist said, 'You'll talk normal when the swelling goes down,' " Butler says.

The swelling soon went away, but the foreign accent didn't. Neurologist Ted Lowenkopf, director of the Providence Stroke Center in Portland, diagnosed her with foreign accent syndrome, a rare neurological disorder.

"It's usually the result of a brain injury," Lowenkopf says, "which can come from stroke, head trauma or other diseases that can damage brain tissue, like multiple sclerosis."

There have been only about 100 known cases of the syndrome since it was first reported in the 1940s. The most famous case was a Norwegian woman who was hit by shrapnel in World War II; she developed a German accent and was ostracized as a result.

Other cases include a British woman from Devon who developed a Chinese accent following a migraine, and another British woman who had a stroke and now sounds French.

Lowenkopf says FAS affects only a small area of speech — just the pattern and intonation. Strokes and brain trauma usually cause major damage to the brain and leave people with far bigger speech problems than just a change in accent.

Butler may have suffered a small stroke while she was under anesthesia, but she won't know for sure unless she has a brain scan. (She says her insurance company won't pay for one.) Lowenkopf says comparing an old scan that Butler received years ago to a new one could shed some light on what happened.

In the meantime, it's possible that Butler could get her American accent back through intensive speech therapy. But unlike other people with FAS who have become depressed by their change in accent, Butler quite likes her new one. She says it has made her more outgoing and is a good conversation starter.

Wednesday, June 01, 2011


2011-05-25 18:03编辑:财金学院 点击:463

为提升财金学子的国际化水平和打造未来国际化领袖,在院有关领导的支持和鼓励下,财政金融学院学生于2011年4月参加在纽约举办的全美模拟联合国 会议(National Model United Nations Conference)。这是我院连续第5次组成代表队参与此项活动,并取得了长足收获。在推进财金学子国际化的过程中,全美模联项目发挥着深远的作用。

基于培养大学生双语精英和国际化一流人才的目标以及教育与国际接轨的战略,我院自2006年开始从本院选派学生参加全美模拟联合国活动。今年,经过 严格的挑选,我院的尹江熙、蒋偲一、李丹琪、莫梦妃、高冉、胡伯韬、张睿、朱越腾、何思奇、李韵涵、刘悄然、郑彬红十二名同学赴美参加于美国东部时间 2011年4月17日至4月21日在纽约举办的全美模拟联合国活动,其中,我院学子代表了中东国家巴林 (Bahrain) 参加了General Assembly 1st Committee(联合国大会第一委员会、General Assembly 2nd Committee(联合国大会第二委员会)、General Assembly 3rd Committee(联合国大会第三委员会)、Human Rights Council(人权理事会)、World Intellectual Property Organization(世界知识产权组织)、Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference(核不扩散条约审议大会)、Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia(西亚经济社会委员会)七个委员会的模拟和讨论。虽然并不像美国本土代表队那样拥有语言优势,但我院学子通过会前的细致准备以及活动中积极参与和 团结协作取得了巨大的进步和成果,从中体现出了我校优秀学生的优良素质和在思考、表达、交流方面的综合能力。

全美模拟联合国会议,前身是模拟国联,于1947年成立,由联合国下属NGO组织全国大学会议联盟 ( National Collegiate Conference Association,简称NCCA)主办,会议地点设在纽约,每年一届,有来自 美国、中国、德国、法国、意大利、荷兰、瑞典、日本、韩国等地的一百多支代表队参加。它是当今世界大学级别中规模最大的模拟联合国活动,经过发展,与哈佛 大学模拟联合国、奥地利模拟联合国共同组成世界上最权威的三项模拟联合国活动。此项活动致力于推进学生对联合国运作的了解和认识,促进各国学生相互交流及 换位思考,培养参赛同学的沟通力和领导力。参赛代表不仅可以提高自我,更可以结识各国朋友,在相互学习中得到成长,更加适应全球化的世界。