Tuesday, January 18, 2011


今天到时代广场实地探访了一下,播放中国国家形象宣传片的那两块(一说有六块,但我只见到两块)巨型电子屏幕位于46街和第七大道的路口,坐西朝东,下面是American Eagle的门店。短片大概1分钟,现场看效果很赞,比YouTube视频好很多,和周围环境也较融洽,不突兀。该宣传片从17日开始在纽约时报广场首播,每小时播放15次,从每天上午6时至次日凌晨2时播放20小时共300次,并将一直播放至2月14日,共计播放8400次。

From the WSJ: "Wary Powers Set to Square Off"

The Times Square ad was ordered up by China's State Council Information Office and produced by ad agency Shanghai Lintas Advertising, which is 20% owned by Interpublic Group of Cos. Chinese officials couldn't be reached and Lintas Advertising declined to comment.

From Wiki:

The Interpublic Group of Companies, Inc. (IPG) (NYSE: IPG) is one of the big four global advertising holding companies (the others being Omnicom, WPP and Publicis). Headquartered in New York City, it has 40,000 employees and reported full−year revenues of US$6 billion for 2009. Its subsidiaries specialize in consumer advertising, interactive marketing, media planning and buying, public relations and other specialized disciplines like sports and event marketing. The company’s current chairman and CEO is Michael I. Roth.

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