Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Cabernet Sauvignon




Tuesday, May 24, 2011

John Holden joins Hill & Knowlton as Beijing managing director

Press Release: November 5, 2008

Hill & Knowlton announced that John L. Holden has joined the firm as Managing Director of Hill & Knowlton Beijing.

"John comes to us with extraordinary breadth and depth of expertise in China," said James B. Heimowitz, President & CEO, North Asia. "We're delighted to welcome him to Hill & Knowlton, the first international agency to enter China. Since its establishment in 1984, Hill & Knowlton Beijing has grown to become our largest office in Asia. H&K advises a broad spectrum of Chinese companies, multinationals and government, and is committed to bringing cutting-edge and global standards to China. I am confident that under John’s leadership Hill & Knowlton Beijing will continue to grow by offering increasingly sophisticated capabilities in China.”

About his appointment, Mr. Holden said: "I’m very excited to join Hill and Knowlton’s great team of over 170 professionals here in Beijing, and to be working with outstanding colleagues in 73 offices around the globe. Throughout my career I’ve been engaged in ensuring that messages are fashioned and communicated in the most productive ways. H&K offers market-leading, innovative and effective solutions for our clients' business challenges within China. And our global network and reputation for integrity make H&K uniquely positioned to help our Chinese clients ‘go global.’”

Mr. Holden is an experienced China veteran. Immediate past president of the National Committee on United States – China Relations (1998-2005), he has previously held positions as Chairman of Shaklee China, Chairman/GM of Cargill China, General Manager of BankAmerica World Trade Corp.’s PRC business, and China Trading Manager of Unison International. In 1981 Mr. Holden interpreted for National Geographic teams researching the Yellow River basin and Tibet for the acclaimed book Journey Into China. Mr. Holden is Chairman Emeritus of the Board of Governors of the American Chamber of Commerce in China.

Mr.Holden first visited China in 1974, and has personally witnessed the extraordinary progress China has made since the the Reform and Opening policies were introduced 30 years ago.

H&K Beijing was recognized “PR agency of the Year” at the Asia Pacific PR awards in 2006 and advised BOCOG for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.

Monday, May 09, 2011


In the latest confirmation that netizens may have the power to change government position after the fact, the Shenzhen Housing and Construction Bureau retracted part of its earlier Notice, which prohibited migrant workers from petitioning for their overdue wages during the upcoming Universiade (World University Games), and outraged citizens.

Website of the Shenzhen Housing and Construction Bureau


北京大学国家发展研究院院长 周其仁 2011-01-27 (





















August Heckscher, 83, Dies; Advocate for Parks and Arts

Published: April 07, 1997

Correction Appended

August Heckscher, a Parks Commissioner under Mayor John V. Lindsay who was long active in public affairs and as a writer, died on Saturday at New York Hospital. He was 83 and lived on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.

The cause was heart failure, which he suffered after being admitted to the hospital because he had been having chest pains, his family said.

Landmarks of Mr. Heckscher's tenure as Parks Commissioner included a 1967 concert in the park by Barbra Streisand, attended by 250,000 people; the first New York City Marathon in Central Park, in 1970; and a number of very large-scale antiwar demonstrations, in the park, for which permits were issued.

Mr. Heckscher was active in civic institutions and was chairman at various times of the New School for Social Research, the Woodrow Wilson Foundation, the Parsons School of Design, the Cooper Hewitt Museum and Civitas, a neighborhood group whose role was described by the present Parks Commissioner, Henry J. Stern, yesterday as ''defending the Upper East Side from overdevelopment.''

Mr. Heckscher's 1991 biography, ''Woodrow Wilson,'' was praised by the historian John A. Garraty, in The New York Times Book Review, who said the author's ''description of Wilson's personality is by far the most persuasive I am familiar with.''

Mr. Heckscher was born in Huntington, L.I.. His paternal grandfather, also named August Heckscher, was a real estate operator, mine executive, financier and philanthropist, and is the man for whom Heckscher State Park on Long Island is named.

The younger August Heckscher attended St. Paul's School in Concord, Mass., and graduated in 1936 from Yale College. He went on to receive a master's degree in government from Harvard and to be an instructor of government at Yale.

In World War II, he served with the Coordinator of Information in Washington and later with the Office of Strategic Services in North Africa. In 1945 he was attached to the United States delegation at the United Nations Conference in San Francisco.

He also wrote and lectured widely on the arts and on politics and was the chief editorial writer at the New York Herald Tribune from 1952 to 1956. President John F. Kennedy chose him to be the coordinator of cultural matters at the White House in 1962, and he went on to serve the Kennedy Administration as special consultant on the arts.

He succeeded Thomas P. F. Hoving as Mayor Lindsay's Parks Commissioner in 1967 and held that post through 1972, serving as Administrator of Cultural Affairs at the same time. When he took charge of the parks, he said one aspect of his job was ''keeping the parks full of people and full of life.''

Mr. Stern said yesterday that Mr. Heckscher's years as Parks Commissioner ''were a vigorous period, there was a lot of capital building in those years,'' with work on new and renovated playgrounds. Mr. Stern, who was an adviser to Mr. Heckscher in that period, added yesterday, ''There was money in those days to build.''

''And he was a kindly leader,'' Mr. Stern recalled. ''If you think of parks commissioners, you think of the imperial Robert Moses and the mercurial Hoving -- and here you had the Good King Augie, who reigned for six happy years.''

Mr. Heckscher is also remembered as a man of gumption. The current Deputy Parks Commissioner, Alan M. Moss, recalled the time when ''there was a Black Panther encampment at 125th Street, in an empty lot, and the Panthers had run up their flag on a city flagpole'' nearby after taking down the United States flag.

Mayor Lindsay said he wanted the Black Panther flag taken down, according to Mr. Moss, who also worked under Mr. Heckscher, and the ''Police Commissioner didn't want to go out there.''

As a result, Mr. Moss said: ''Augie took a group of us and we went up there, and Augie went by himself to the flagpole and he took the flag down, and then a group of blacks approached him. The Parks Department group feared a confrontation, but the blacks said, 'May we please have our flag?' and Augie said, 'Certainly. Please don't put it up again.' ''

Mr. Moss added yesterday, ''I'll tell you, that took courage.''

His survivors include his wife of 56 years, the former Claude Chevreux; three sons, Stephen A., of Concord, N.H., Philip H., of Manhattan and Charles C., of Princeton, N.J., and six grandchildren.

Funeral arrangements are pending.

Correction: April 8, 1997, Tuesday An obituary yesterday about August Heckscher, a Parks Commissioner under Mayor John V. Lindsay who was active in civic causes, misstated the location of St. Paul's, a school he attended. It is in Concord, N.H., not Concord, Mass.

Sunday, May 08, 2011


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Thursday, May 05, 2011



一絲絲記憶 勾起了一串串滋味
它不少也不會多 分享了重聚跟別離
一張張照片 框起了一個個天地
不聲不語偏說出 歲月多依稀

一聲聲嘆息 終止了一處處境地
它將所有悲與喜 編好了年月跟日期
一天天變更 不可以一次次躲避
它需不竭的勇敢 向夢想高飛

何愁面前浪破浪 湧過無了期
何愁落泊 我只要一口氣
雷或雨 我也傲然經過

何妨混和淚與汗 一笑毌皺眉
誰歧視我 我偏要爭口氣
從成敗裡 冷暖後才知道

郑少秋归来 "秋官"时代的记忆永不老

2010-05-14 14:05:17  来源:中国网



  郑少秋,很多人唤他作“秋官”。问起内地观众,更多的人会脱口而出:不就是演乾隆的那个人嘛!在我们年少时,郑少秋这个名字满足了少年们对于游 侠江湖的向往;在我们年少时,郑少秋这个名字满足了少女们对于纯爱春心萌动的想象。时光荏苒,当郑少秋再度归来,仍勾起了人们对于一个时代的怀想。5月 10日,郑少秋主演的古装神话喜剧《神医大道公》在央八亮相,人们忽然间发现,已过花甲之年的“秋官”竟然仍是气度不减。只是《神医》中的“秋官”不再是 年少的游侠,却像极了开朗顽劣的“老顽童”。对此,郑少秋说:“经历了太多,人生最重要的其实只是开心。”很多鲜活的记忆,一下子涌出,其实未见得是“秋 官”不老,而是我们记忆中的影像永远未曾褪色罢了。



  郑少秋:有谁见过神仙吗?没有。所以这是一个可以让我有更多发挥空间的角色。在这个圈子打拼了40多年,如今我更喜欢演这种轻松的角色。被信众 称为“保生大帝”的吴夲,睿智,有着一颗济世之心,我们只想把这个精神传达给观众。神话题材给了我表演上更多的可能性,可以更随性,这也是我现在的生活状 态。


  郑少秋:刚入行时,也许总是希望观众能记住我这个人,但现在觉得一部作品能让人感到快乐最重要。《神医》中有武打搞笑,有悬疑爱情,也有宫廷斗 争和仙魔争霸,拍摄过程中,我经常和郭冬临一起琢磨一些小段子,给剧情“加料”。拍戏这么多年,会慢慢发现自己的目的性越来越淡,希望观众不是记住某个演 员而是记住作品本身。


  郑少秋:很过瘾,很爽。首先演神仙就很有意思,我可以把他塑造成我想象中的样子。这次我不仅悬壶济世,时不时还是妙手神探,解决一个又一个棘手 案件。吴夲与瘟君之间的你来我往,就是“你有张良计,我有过墙梯”,而且时不时吴夲和他的徒弟“二举”(郭冬临饰)还玩点“宫廷无间道”。我觉得我演的不 是一尊神像,要从万人朝拜的香案上走下来,这个神仙才能有血有肉,才能打动观众。


  郑少秋:都这岁数了,就不风流了吧。吴夲发髻高束、一袭长衫的造型,也许会让人觉得有些像楚留香,不过吴夲没有“香帅”的一把折扇,却是一手如 神医术。而且吴夲也绝对不是像楚留香那样佳人环绕万花丛中过,剧中只与一个渔家女有条情感线。其实,作为神仙,他算是比较倒霉的,先是被贬下界,然后又频 遭毒手导致瘫痪,还要被困魔洞中,现在想来以前演的“香帅”倒是游戏人间,风流像个真神仙。不过,如此一来,倒是更显吴夲的“侠医”本色啦。





  郑少秋:我出过几十张专辑,而且也喜欢唱歌,给自己拍摄的电视剧献唱更是义不容辞。直到现在我最喜欢的还是那首《楚留香》:“湖海洗我胸襟,河 山飘我影踪,云彩挥去却不去,赢得一身清风。尘沾不上心间,情牵不到此心中,来得安去也写意,人生休说苦痛。聚散匆匆莫牵挂,未记风波中英雄勇,就让浮名 轻抛剑外,千山我独行不必相送。”觉得人生就应该有这样的境界。


  郑少秋:我只是塑造了一些角色,而且这是我喜欢的一项工作,或者对我来讲它已经不仅仅是一种工作,而成为了我生命中的一部分。我在以前的采访中 曾经说过,也有人不喜欢郑少秋,但是不要紧,我的日子一样还是这样过。曹操也有知心友,关公也有对头人。说我是“一个时代的符号”,是观众对我的抬爱,我 只是为一份自己热爱的事业一直努力。


  郑少秋:还记得1992年《戏说乾隆》被引进内地,那是我第一部在内地播放的电视剧。也许很多内地观众认识我都是通过《戏说乾隆》,现在到内地 拍戏还有人管我叫“四爷”。我从事的是一份自己喜欢的工作,而且还能得到大家的认可,回头看一下,我觉得很幸福。我庆幸我经历了这么多,现在可以把自己以 前犯过的错误告诉女儿,让她们可以少走弯路,但我不会制约她们的选择。我从最开始的打拼就靠自己,所以希望她们也能靠自己。




  一个潇洒的转身,一抹淡雅的微笑,对于郑少秋的经典回忆是属于一个时代的记忆,二者不可剥离。谈到郑少秋的影响力,记者与之笑谈他的“丁蟹效 应”。1992年10月,郑少秋主演的《大时代》播出。故事讲述主演“丁蟹”,经常在股票市场的熊市中借着抛空恒生指数期货而获取暴利,恰巧当时香港股市 暴跌。从此,“丁蟹效应”一词大热。事有凑巧,1998年亚洲金融风暴及2000年的科网股泡沫爆破,郑少秋都有电视剧上演。而今年《神医大道公》10日 刚在央八亮相,11日内地股市大跌,据报道当日股市再次创下年内新低。郑少秋笑言对于股市的影响,自己已经被“妖魔”化,有些无奈,有些调侃。其实,之所 以有“丁蟹效应”一说,只因郑少秋在人们心中一直不曾被遗忘。多少人年少时曾拿着把折扇模仿香帅,多少人曾学着那份飘逸企图吸引心仪女孩的一缕目光,如今 想来曾经的幼稚都能让我们会心一笑。沉醉于郑少秋那些角色的年代,不是因为那有多好,而是因为那时我们还年轻。

香江人物 - 鄭少秋











Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Wearing Only a Smile, Nudists Seek Out the Young and the Naked

Changing the Demographic Is a Tough Sell; A Bare-It-All Dinner Party


LOXAHATCHEE GROVES, Fla.—On a recent Friday morning, Jessi Bartoletti arrived at the Sunsport Gardens Nudist Resort here in a T-shirt and shorts.

By evening, the 19-year-old had stripped down to a string of purple Mardi Gras beads and was dancing around a bonfire with about 200 young nudists, many of them first-timers.
Nudists Recruit Next Generation

View Slideshow
Jason Henry for The Wall Street Journal

* More photos and interactive graphics

"I don't think I've ever felt this free," Ms. Bartoletti yelled over pounding drums.

That's good news to the nudist resort industry, which is desperate for young nudists like Ms. Bartoletti to augment its clientele of graying baby boomers.

Membership in the two big nudist umbrella groups has been flat or declining for years, prompting a youth-recruitment effort that includes reverse-strip-poker nights, volleyball tournaments, naked 5K road races and music festivals like Nudepalooza and Nudestock.

One new group, Young Nudists and Naturists of America, this month is having a naked dinner party in a loft in New York's financial district to recruit members.

"The whole lifestyle will just disappear unless we attract a younger crowd," said Nicky Hoffman, head of the Naturist Society, one of the two big organizations of U.S. nudists. "The problem is, most of these resorts aren't geared to young people. They've become like retirement homes; they've sort of calcified."

John Whitehead, 22, visited the Sunsport Gardens resort for the first time last year. He enjoyed being naked until he spotted a man his father's age he knew from work, then spent the day avoiding him.

"It's not that I have anything against old people," Mr. Whitehead said. "I just don't really want to hang out with them at the pool."

In 1929, six men and women in their twenties attended what is believed to have been the first nudist retreat, organized in upstate New York by German immigrant Kurt Barthel.

In Mr. Barthel's homeland, nudism had taken root among young people as an expression of physical fitness and harmony with nature. In the U.S., it found controversy.

Nudists meeting in private in New York were arrested and charged with indecent exposure. In 1935, a crowd beat up a dozen nudists in northern New Jersey.

In the 1960s, public nudity gained wider acceptance. Morley Schloss, now the 69-year-old majority shareholder of Sunsport Gardens, skinny-dipped for the first time at the Woodstock Music Festival in 1969.

"I stood there in front of Mother Nature and all those people and said, 'This is me! This is who I am!'" Mr. Schloss recalls. "It changed my life."
Videos on Travel

* Traveling Back in Time While Touring Bhutan
* Hittin' the Hay in a Swiss B&B
* Tokyo Disneyland Brings Smiles
* Sexy Las Vegas Field Trip for Senior Citizens

Nudist resorts sprang up across the country. There are more than 250 today, plus cruises and other events making up a $440 million business, says the American Association for Nude Recreation.

But AANR and Naturist Society membership stopped growing years ago, mainly because many people now in their twenties and thirties don't appear interested in joining.

Young people have largely turned their backs on nudist camps, favoring instead public nudist spots like Hippie Hollow in Austin, Texas, Baker Beach in San Francisco or Haulover Beach in Miami, a "clothing optional" stretch of sand at the city's northern edge.

One reason: Private nudist clubs tend to be geared toward retirees.

Pools close at sundown. Body piercings are prohibited. Some older nudists complain that younger ones keep them up with late-night cavorting. Mostly, though, youngsters appear not to be eager to socialize regularly with folks the age of their grandparents.

So the AANR and the Naturist Society have asked their younger members to reach out to their peers and think of ways to make them feel that undressing in front of strangers is wonderful. Florida Young Naturists, Vita Nuda and other young nudist groups have since formed.

Vita Nuda organizes most of the young people who attend Nudepalooza each fall at the Cypress Cove Nudist Resort and Spa in Kissimmee, Fla., said resort owner Ted Hadley.

"We've been looking for years to reach out to that demographic and it's been a lot of brick walls," Mr. Hadley said. "It took a group of young nudists to do it on their own."

Robbe White, 27 years old, attended a winter festival at Sunsport Gardens in 2009 and was one of a handful of people younger than 35.

"I thought, 'This is ridiculous,'" he said. "I wanted to bring people my own age in to see what it was about."

He founded the Florida Young Naturists, opened a Facebook account and organized the first Spring Break Bash at Sunsport Gardens for people under 30.

The inaugural Bash attracted 55 people. This year, 140 young nudists showed up for a free weekend on the grass-and-sand grounds of Sunsport Gardens, including a "midnight skinny dip and blacklight party."

One Friday morning, guests pulled off the dirt road that separates the Everglades from the rustic, 40-acre resort. A middle-aged man wearing only a ponytail and glasses sat behind a desk registering people. Signs informed visitors that there were seven types of poisonous snakes in the area and that photography was forbidden.

Guests under 30 were handed colored wristbands to give them access to an area separate from the rest of the resort. The idea was to keep them from feeling uncomfortable around older guests.

"No one wants to feel like eye candy," said Kathleen Kraft, a 27-year-old organizer handing out the wristbands.

Some young guests disrobed immediately. Others hesitated or covered themselves with towels.

Ms. Bartoletti said she felt a surge of anxiety as she prepared to disrobe in public for the first time.

At the pool, she saw a sign saying nudity is mandatory in the water. "Well, this is what I came here for," she thought. Off came the towel.

Pup tents went up. Several bands in various stages of undress began to play. Vendors sold tapestries, fruit smoothies and jewelry.

On Saturday, some of the much older residents and visitors joined the younger guests for volleyball, a mainstay of traditional nudist colonies.

"The barriers between people just fall away when you're nude," Ms. Kraft said. "It's like watching chains falling off."

Ms. Bartoletti, who is starting college in May, said she felt as if she'd known her fellow nudists for weeks. Her only complaint was the mosquitoes.

"I woke up this morning and put on a shirt to keep them off me," she said.

China Creates New Internet Overseer

BEIJING—China announced a potentially powerful new agency to supervise the Internet, underscoring the evolving regulatory environment in the country just as interest in Chinese Web companies is soaring among global investors.

A string of public offerings is in the pipeline. The debut of social-networking site operator Renren Inc. Wednesday on the New York Stock Exchange raised $743.4 million, even though the company posted a loss for 2010.


Baidu's website is seen on a laptop screen in a December photo.

Analysts say it is unclear whether the new office will streamline the bureaucracy or add another layer.

The new State Internet Information Office will be headed by officials from at least three agencies that regulate different aspects of the Internet, the state-run Xinhua news agency reported Wednesday. These include the State Council Information Office, which is responsible for content; the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, which regulates the technology and telecommunications sectors, and the Ministry of Public Security, the law-enforcement body.

The new agency will "direct, coordinate and supervise online content management and handle administrative approval of businesses related to online news reporting," Xinhua said.

Web companies in China face daunting regulatory obstacles that reflect the government's conflicted approach to the Internet, which presents both a huge economic opportunity and, in a country where speech critical of the government is tightly controlled, a political threat.

All Internet companies need an Internet content provider license from MIIT, while online video websites need a separate license from the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television and online game companies need approvals from both the General Administration of Press and Publication and the Ministry of Culture.


Sometimes, orders from the various agencies clash, such as in 2009 when conflicting orders from GAPP and the Ministry of Culture caused the costly suspension of the Chinese version of Activision Blizzard Inc.'s popular massive-multiplayer online game "World of Warcraft," operated by Inc. Both agencies claimed supervisory roles over online games.

All companies must filter their own content to eliminate so-called unhealthy content—ranging from pornography and violence to politically sensitive material—and censorship orders pour in from all levels of government.

Enforcement of censorship rules, and technical measures to limit access to some websites, were stepped up early this year after uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa, organized partly through social-networking sites, spooked Chinese authorities.

Adding to the risk is the corporate structure that Chinese Internet companies have adopted in order to list in overseas markets. Key Internet licenses in China can be issued only to local companies, so overseas-listed companies such as Web portal Sina Corp. and search firm Baidu Inc. are actually holding companies based outside of China that own the Chinese companies holding the licenses needed to operate their businesses.

This structure, which has been used in China for more than a decade, may be disrupted if officials decide it conflicts with the law.

Chinese officials didn't immediately respond to requests for comment, and the SCIO said it would release more details Thursday.

China has more than 450 million Internet users, more than any other nation, with online video, e-commerce websites and Twitter-like microblogging services taking off in popularity in recent years.

Investor interest in Chinese Web companies both old and new remains high in part because some of the older generation of Chinese Internet companies to go public—such as Tencent Holdings Ltd. and Nasdaq-listed Baidu—are now among the largest Internet companies in the world by market capitalization, though with far less revenue than comparable U.S. Internet companies.

"The sheer commercial scale of the Internet now" with such high valuations "invites intervention from ambitious agencies keen to validate their own importance in the sector," said Duncan Clark, chairman of Beijing-based consulting firm BDA China Ltd.

—Helen Qucontributed to this article.

Write to Loretta Chao at

Tuesday, May 03, 2011




本班讯PP 昨天上午,阳光明媚,鲜花斗艳。刘小华同学家里欢声笑语,人头攒动。五年级一班班长赵官、副班长张僚僚在体育委员欧阳猛南、文娱委员李美媚陪同下,不远千米,深入到患感冒发低烧的班级成员刘小华家中,为他带去节曰的问候和良好的祝愿。






