The Asia Chronicles: CHINA RECOVERY IN '09? (ATL 3-2)
February Free Fall: Major Law Firms Lay Off Another 2,000-Plus Attorneys and Staff (ABA Journal: 2-26)
You're a 2L? I want to say one word to you. Plastics. (ATL 2-25)
The Asia Chronicles: State of the US Associate Lateral Hiring Market for Asia and Middle East (ATL: 2-17)
Layoff Tracker
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
John Leighton Stuart (1876-1962)
John Leighton Stuart (1876-1962)
Monday, February 23, 2009
Animation - Déjà vu
黑猫警长/Black Cat Detective (1984)
葫芦兄弟/Calabash Brothers (1986)
邋遢大王奇遇记 (1986)
舒克和贝塔 (1989)
魔方大厦/Rubik's Cube (1990)
Tom and Jerry/猫和老鼠 (1940)
Popeye the Sailor/大力水手 (1960)
The Flintstones/摩登原始人 (1960)
The Smurfs/Les Schtroumpfs/蓝精灵 (1981)
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe/希曼:宇宙的巨人 (1983)
Inspector Gadget/神探加杰特 (1983)
The Transformers/变形金刚 (1984)
Robotech/太空堡垒 (1985)
She-Ra: Princess of Power/希瑞:非凡的公主 (1985)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/忍者神龟 (1986)
BraveStarr/布雷斯塔警长 (1987)
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz/绿野仙踪 (1987)
Avatar: The Last Airbender/降世神通:最后的气宗 (2005)
鉄腕アトム/铁臂阿童木/Astro Boy (1963)
ドラえもん/ 哆啦A梦/Doraemon (1973)
一休さん/聪明的一休 (1975)
Dr.スランプ/阿拉蕾/Dr. Slump (1981)
ドラゴンボール/七龙珠/Dragon Ball (1986)
聖闘士星矢/圣斗士星矢/Saint Seiya (1986)
シティーハンター/城市猎人/City Hunter (1987)
スラムダンク/灌篮高手/Slam Dunk (1993)
名探偵コナン/名侦探柯南/Case Closed (1996)
The Lion King/狮子王 (1994)
A Bug's Life/虫虫特工队 (1998, Pixar)
Monsters, Inc./怪物公司 (2001, Pixar)
Shrek/怪物史莱克 (2001)
Finding Nemo/海底总动员 (2002, Pixar)
Ice Age/冰河世纪 (2002)
The Incredibles/超人特工队 (2004, Pixar)
Madgascar/马达加斯加 (2005, DreamWorks)
Kung Fu Panda/功夫熊猫 (2008)
WALL-E/机器人总动员 (2008, Pixar)
超時空要塞マクロス/超時空要塞/The Super Dimension Fortress Macross (1984)
天空の城ラピュタ/天空之城/Castle in the Sky (1986)
となりのトトロ/龙猫/My Neighbor Totoro (1988)
魔女の宅急便/魔女宅急便/Kiki's Delivery Service (1989)
黑猫警长/Black Cat Detective (1984)
葫芦兄弟/Calabash Brothers (1986)
邋遢大王奇遇记 (1986)
舒克和贝塔 (1989)
魔方大厦/Rubik's Cube (1990)
Tom and Jerry/猫和老鼠 (1940)
Popeye the Sailor/大力水手 (1960)
The Flintstones/摩登原始人 (1960)
The Smurfs/Les Schtroumpfs/蓝精灵 (1981)
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe/希曼:宇宙的巨人 (1983)
Inspector Gadget/神探加杰特 (1983)
The Transformers/变形金刚 (1984)
Robotech/太空堡垒 (1985)
She-Ra: Princess of Power/希瑞:非凡的公主 (1985)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/忍者神龟 (1986)
BraveStarr/布雷斯塔警长 (1987)
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz/绿野仙踪 (1987)
Avatar: The Last Airbender/降世神通:最后的气宗 (2005)
鉄腕アトム/铁臂阿童木/Astro Boy (1963)
ドラえもん/ 哆啦A梦/Doraemon (1973)
一休さん/聪明的一休 (1975)
Dr.スランプ/阿拉蕾/Dr. Slump (1981)
ドラゴンボール/七龙珠/Dragon Ball (1986)
聖闘士星矢/圣斗士星矢/Saint Seiya (1986)
シティーハンター/城市猎人/City Hunter (1987)
スラムダンク/灌篮高手/Slam Dunk (1993)
名探偵コナン/名侦探柯南/Case Closed (1996)
The Lion King/狮子王 (1994)
A Bug's Life/虫虫特工队 (1998, Pixar)
Monsters, Inc./怪物公司 (2001, Pixar)
Shrek/怪物史莱克 (2001)
Finding Nemo/海底总动员 (2002, Pixar)
Ice Age/冰河世纪 (2002)
The Incredibles/超人特工队 (2004, Pixar)
Madgascar/马达加斯加 (2005, DreamWorks)
Kung Fu Panda/功夫熊猫 (2008)
WALL-E/机器人总动员 (2008, Pixar)
超時空要塞マクロス/超時空要塞/The Super Dimension Fortress Macross (1984)
天空の城ラピュタ/天空之城/Castle in the Sky (1986)
となりのトトロ/龙猫/My Neighbor Totoro (1988)
魔女の宅急便/魔女宅急便/Kiki's Delivery Service (1989)
Saturday, February 21, 2009
上海滩/The Bund (1980)
西游记/Journey to the West (1982)
射雕英雄传/The Legend of the Condor Heroes (1983)
八仙过海/The Eight Immortals Cross the Sea (1985)
红楼梦/Dream of the Red Chamber (1987)
联林珍奇 (....)
封神榜 (1990)
渴望 (1990)
围城/Fortress Besieged (1990)
戏说乾隆 (1991)
小龙人 (1992)
新白娘子传奇/New Legend of Madame White Snake (1992)
北京人在纽约/Beijinger in New York (1993)
包青天/Justice Pao (1993)
我爱我家 (1993)
倚天屠龙记/The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber (1993)
情满珠江 (1994)
三国演义/Romance of the Three Kingdoms (1994)
精武门 (1995)
神雕侠侣/The Return of the Condor Heroes (1995)
天地男儿/Cold Blood Warm Heart (1996)
宰相刘罗锅 (1996)
天龙八部/The Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils (1997)
水浒传/Water Margin (1998)
永不瞑目 (1998)
流星花园/Meteor Garden (2001)
笑傲江湖/State of Divinity (2001)
我们无处安放的青春 (2005)
一江春水向东流 (2005)
武林外传/My Own Swordsman (2006)
大国崛起/The Rise of the Great Powers (2006)
士兵突击/Soldiers Sortie (2006)
人间正道是沧桑/The Road We Have Taken (2009)
蜗居/Dwelling Narrowness (2009)
Seinfeld/宋飞正传 (1989)
Frasier (1993)
Friends (1994)
Everybody Loves Raymond (1996)
The King of Queens (1998)
Will & Grace (1998)
Two and a Half Men (2003)
The Office (2005)
How I Met Your Mother (2005)
The Big Bang Theory (2007)
Animated Sitcom
The Simpsons (1989)
South Park (1997)
Dynasty/豪门恩怨 (1981)
Hunter/神探亨特 (1984)
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes/夏洛克·福尔摩斯 (1984)
Growing Pains/成长的烦恼 (1985)
Beauty and the Beast/侠胆雄狮 (1987)
Around the World in 80 Days/八十天环游地球 (1989)
Baywatch/海岸救护队 (1989)
Law & Order (1990)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman/超人 (1993)
ER/急诊室的故事 (1994)
Sex and the City (1998)
The West Wing (1999)
24 (2001)
Smallville (2001)
Cold Case (2003)
NCIS (2003)
Desperate Housewives (2004)
Lost (2004)
Boston Legal (2004)
Criminal Minds (2005)
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
Prison Break (2005)
Ugly Betty (2006)
Glee (2009)
The Good Wife (2009)
Game of Thrones (2011)
Pride and Prejudice (1995)
Jane Eyre (2006)
Sherlock (2010)
赤い疑惑/血疑 (1975)
恐竜戦隊コセイドン/恐龙特急克塞号 (1978)
東京ラブストーリー/东京爱情故事/Tokyo Love Story (1991)
ロングバケーション/悠长假日/Long Vacation (1996)
러브스토리 인 하버드/爱在哈佛/Love Story in Harvard (2004)
上海滩/The Bund (1980)
西游记/Journey to the West (1982)
射雕英雄传/The Legend of the Condor Heroes (1983)
八仙过海/The Eight Immortals Cross the Sea (1985)
红楼梦/Dream of the Red Chamber (1987)
联林珍奇 (....)
封神榜 (1990)
渴望 (1990)
围城/Fortress Besieged (1990)
戏说乾隆 (1991)
小龙人 (1992)
新白娘子传奇/New Legend of Madame White Snake (1992)
北京人在纽约/Beijinger in New York (1993)
包青天/Justice Pao (1993)
我爱我家 (1993)
倚天屠龙记/The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber (1993)
情满珠江 (1994)
三国演义/Romance of the Three Kingdoms (1994)
精武门 (1995)
神雕侠侣/The Return of the Condor Heroes (1995)
天地男儿/Cold Blood Warm Heart (1996)
宰相刘罗锅 (1996)
天龙八部/The Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils (1997)
水浒传/Water Margin (1998)
永不瞑目 (1998)
流星花园/Meteor Garden (2001)
笑傲江湖/State of Divinity (2001)
我们无处安放的青春 (2005)
一江春水向东流 (2005)
武林外传/My Own Swordsman (2006)
大国崛起/The Rise of the Great Powers (2006)
士兵突击/Soldiers Sortie (2006)
人间正道是沧桑/The Road We Have Taken (2009)
蜗居/Dwelling Narrowness (2009)
Seinfeld/宋飞正传 (1989)
Frasier (1993)
Friends (1994)
Everybody Loves Raymond (1996)
The King of Queens (1998)
Will & Grace (1998)
Two and a Half Men (2003)
The Office (2005)
How I Met Your Mother (2005)
The Big Bang Theory (2007)
Animated Sitcom
The Simpsons (1989)
South Park (1997)
Dynasty/豪门恩怨 (1981)
Hunter/神探亨特 (1984)
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes/夏洛克·福尔摩斯 (1984)
Growing Pains/成长的烦恼 (1985)
Beauty and the Beast/侠胆雄狮 (1987)
Around the World in 80 Days/八十天环游地球 (1989)
Baywatch/海岸救护队 (1989)
Law & Order (1990)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman/超人 (1993)
ER/急诊室的故事 (1994)
Sex and the City (1998)
The West Wing (1999)
24 (2001)
Smallville (2001)
Cold Case (2003)
NCIS (2003)
Desperate Housewives (2004)
Lost (2004)
Boston Legal (2004)
Criminal Minds (2005)
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
Prison Break (2005)
Ugly Betty (2006)
Glee (2009)
The Good Wife (2009)
Game of Thrones (2011)
Pride and Prejudice (1995)
Jane Eyre (2006)
Sherlock (2010)
赤い疑惑/血疑 (1975)
恐竜戦隊コセイドン/恐龙特急克塞号 (1978)
東京ラブストーリー/东京爱情故事/Tokyo Love Story (1991)
ロングバケーション/悠长假日/Long Vacation (1996)
러브스토리 인 하버드/爱在哈佛/Love Story in Harvard (2004)
Movie - Déjà vu - American (and other Western)
Gone with the Wind/乱世佳人 (1939)
Waterloo Bridge/魂断蓝桥 (1940)
Casablanca/北非谍影 (1942)
Singin' in the Rain/雨中曲 (1952)
Roman Holiday/罗马假日 (1953)
The Million Pound Note/百万英镑 (1953)
Rear Window/后窗 (1954)
War and Peace/战争与和平 (1956)
Ben-Hur/宾虚 (1959)
James Bond/007 (1962)
My Fair Lady/窈窕淑女 (1964)
The Graduate/毕业生 (1967)
Patton/巴顿将军 (1970)
The Godfather/教父 (1972)
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest/飞跃疯人院 (1975)
All the President's Men/总统班底 (1976)
Star Wars/星球大战 (1977)
Death on the Nile/尼罗河上的惨案 (1978)
The Gods Must Be Crazy/上帝也疯狂 (1980)
First Blood/第一滴血 (1982)
Evil Under the Sun/阳光下的罪恶 (1982)
Once Upon a Time in America/美国往事 (1984)
Back to the Future/回到未来 (1985)
Out of Africa/走出非洲 (1985)
Witness/证人 (1985)
Top Gun/壮志凌云 (1986)
The Last Emperor/末代皇帝 (1987)
Wall Street/华尔街 (1987)
The Unbearable Lightness of Being/生命中不能承受之轻 (1988)
Home Alone/小鬼当家 (1990)
Jurassic Park/侏罗纪公园 (1990)
Pretty Woman/风月俏佳人 (1990)
Basic Instinct/本能 (1992)
Scent of a Woman/女人香 (1992)
In the Name of the Father/以父之名 (1993)
Philadelphia/费城故事 (1993)
Schindler's List/辛德勒名单 (1993)
Sleepless in Seattle/西雅图不眠夜 (1993)
The Piano/钢琴课 (1993)
Forrest Gump/阿甘正传 (1994)
Four Weddings and a Funeral/四个婚礼和一个葬礼 (1994)
Legends of the Fall/燃情岁月 (1994)
Speed/生死时速 (1994)
The Shawshank Redemption/肖申克的救赎 (1994)
True Lies/真实的谎言 (1994)
Braveheart/勇敢的心 (1995)
Sabrina/情归巴黎 (1995)
Sense and Sensibility/理智与情感 (1995)
Seven/七宗罪 (1995)
The Bridges of Madison County/廊桥遗梦 (1995)
101 Dalmatians/101真狗 (1996)
Mission: Impossible/谍中谍 (1996)
The English Patient/英国病人 (1996)
Face/Off/变脸 (1997)
Good Will Hunting/心灵捕手 (1997)
My Best Friend's Wedding/我最好朋友的婚礼 (1997)
Seven Years in Tibet/在藏七年 (1997)
Titanic/泰坦尼克号 (1997)
City of Angels/天使之城 (1998)
The Legend of 1900/海上钢琴师 (1998)
The Truman Show/楚门的世界 (1998)
Notting Hill/诺丁山情缘 (1999)
The General's Daughter/将军的女儿 (1999)
Gladiator/角斗士 (2000)
A Beautiful Mind/美丽心灵 (2001)
Bridget Jones's Diary/BJ单身日记 (2001)
Harry Potter/哈利·波特 (2001)
Ocean's Eleven/十一罗汉 (2001)
Pearl Harbor/珍珠港 (2001)
The Lord of the Rings/魔戒 (2001)
The Bourne Identity/波恩的身份 (2002)
The Hours/时时刻刻 (2002)
Big Fish/大鱼 (2003)
Lost in Translation/迷失东京 (2003)
Pirates of the Caribbean/加勒比海盗 (2003) *
The Company/ (2003)
Hotel Rwanda/卢旺达饭店 (2004)
Million Dollar Baby/百万宝贝 (2004)
Saving Face/面子 (2004)
Brokeback Mountain/断背山 (2005)
Memoirs of a Geisha/艺伎回忆录 (2005) *
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe/纳尼亚传奇:狮子·女巫·魔衣橱 (2005) *
An Inconvenient Truth/难以言说的真相 (2006)
Blood Diamond/血腥钻石 (2006)
The Devil Wears Prada/穿普拉达的恶魔 (2006)
The Queen/女王 (2006)
Michael Clayton/迈克尔·克莱顿 (2007)
Transformers/变形金刚 (2007) *
Iron Man/钢铁侠 (2008) *
Sex and the City/欲望城市 (2008) *
Body of Lies/谎言之躯 (2008) *
Up/飞屋环游记 (2009)
The Hangover/醉后大丈夫 (2009) *
New York, I Love You/纽约,我爱你 (2009) *
Avatar/阿凡达 (2009) *
Up in the Air/在云端 (2009)
Sherlock Holmes/福尔摩斯 (2009)*
Alice in Wonderland/爱丽丝梦游仙境 (2010)*
Léon/这个杀手不太冷 (1994)
Chocolat/浓情巧克力 (2000)
Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain/天使爱美丽 (2001)
Le Papillon/The Butterfly/蝴蝶 (2002)
Les Choristes/The Chorus/放牛班的春天 (2004)
Nuovo Cinema Paradiso/Cinema Paradiso/天堂电影院 (1988)
Al di là delle nuvole/Beyond the Clouds/云上的日子 (1995)
La vita è bella/Life is Beautiful/美丽人生 (1997)
Malèna/西西里的美丽传说 (2000)
Le Peuple Migrateur/The Traveling Birds/迁徙的候鸟 (2001)
Windsor Castle: A Royal Year (2006)
Gone with the Wind/乱世佳人 (1939)
Waterloo Bridge/魂断蓝桥 (1940)
Casablanca/北非谍影 (1942)
Singin' in the Rain/雨中曲 (1952)
Roman Holiday/罗马假日 (1953)
The Million Pound Note/百万英镑 (1953)
Rear Window/后窗 (1954)
War and Peace/战争与和平 (1956)
Ben-Hur/宾虚 (1959)
James Bond/007 (1962)
My Fair Lady/窈窕淑女 (1964)
The Graduate/毕业生 (1967)
Patton/巴顿将军 (1970)
The Godfather/教父 (1972)
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest/飞跃疯人院 (1975)
All the President's Men/总统班底 (1976)
Star Wars/星球大战 (1977)
Death on the Nile/尼罗河上的惨案 (1978)
The Gods Must Be Crazy/上帝也疯狂 (1980)
First Blood/第一滴血 (1982)
Evil Under the Sun/阳光下的罪恶 (1982)
Once Upon a Time in America/美国往事 (1984)
Back to the Future/回到未来 (1985)
Out of Africa/走出非洲 (1985)
Witness/证人 (1985)
Top Gun/壮志凌云 (1986)
The Last Emperor/末代皇帝 (1987)
Wall Street/华尔街 (1987)
The Unbearable Lightness of Being/生命中不能承受之轻 (1988)
Home Alone/小鬼当家 (1990)
Jurassic Park/侏罗纪公园 (1990)
Pretty Woman/风月俏佳人 (1990)
Basic Instinct/本能 (1992)
Scent of a Woman/女人香 (1992)
In the Name of the Father/以父之名 (1993)
Philadelphia/费城故事 (1993)
Schindler's List/辛德勒名单 (1993)
Sleepless in Seattle/西雅图不眠夜 (1993)
The Piano/钢琴课 (1993)
Forrest Gump/阿甘正传 (1994)
Four Weddings and a Funeral/四个婚礼和一个葬礼 (1994)
Legends of the Fall/燃情岁月 (1994)
Speed/生死时速 (1994)
The Shawshank Redemption/肖申克的救赎 (1994)
True Lies/真实的谎言 (1994)
Braveheart/勇敢的心 (1995)
Sabrina/情归巴黎 (1995)
Sense and Sensibility/理智与情感 (1995)
Seven/七宗罪 (1995)
The Bridges of Madison County/廊桥遗梦 (1995)
101 Dalmatians/101真狗 (1996)
Mission: Impossible/谍中谍 (1996)
The English Patient/英国病人 (1996)
Face/Off/变脸 (1997)
Good Will Hunting/心灵捕手 (1997)
My Best Friend's Wedding/我最好朋友的婚礼 (1997)
Seven Years in Tibet/在藏七年 (1997)
Titanic/泰坦尼克号 (1997)
City of Angels/天使之城 (1998)
The Legend of 1900/海上钢琴师 (1998)
The Truman Show/楚门的世界 (1998)
Notting Hill/诺丁山情缘 (1999)
The General's Daughter/将军的女儿 (1999)
Gladiator/角斗士 (2000)
A Beautiful Mind/美丽心灵 (2001)
Bridget Jones's Diary/BJ单身日记 (2001)
Harry Potter/哈利·波特 (2001)
Ocean's Eleven/十一罗汉 (2001)
Pearl Harbor/珍珠港 (2001)
The Lord of the Rings/魔戒 (2001)
The Bourne Identity/波恩的身份 (2002)
The Hours/时时刻刻 (2002)
Big Fish/大鱼 (2003)
Lost in Translation/迷失东京 (2003)
Pirates of the Caribbean/加勒比海盗 (2003) *
The Company/ (2003)
Hotel Rwanda/卢旺达饭店 (2004)
Million Dollar Baby/百万宝贝 (2004)
Saving Face/面子 (2004)
Brokeback Mountain/断背山 (2005)
Memoirs of a Geisha/艺伎回忆录 (2005) *
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe/纳尼亚传奇:狮子·女巫·魔衣橱 (2005) *
An Inconvenient Truth/难以言说的真相 (2006)
Blood Diamond/血腥钻石 (2006)
The Devil Wears Prada/穿普拉达的恶魔 (2006)
The Queen/女王 (2006)
Michael Clayton/迈克尔·克莱顿 (2007)
Transformers/变形金刚 (2007) *
Iron Man/钢铁侠 (2008) *
Sex and the City/欲望城市 (2008) *
Body of Lies/谎言之躯 (2008) *
Up/飞屋环游记 (2009)
The Hangover/醉后大丈夫 (2009) *
New York, I Love You/纽约,我爱你 (2009) *
Avatar/阿凡达 (2009) *
Up in the Air/在云端 (2009)
Sherlock Holmes/福尔摩斯 (2009)*
Alice in Wonderland/爱丽丝梦游仙境 (2010)*
Léon/这个杀手不太冷 (1994)
Chocolat/浓情巧克力 (2000)
Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain/天使爱美丽 (2001)
Le Papillon/The Butterfly/蝴蝶 (2002)
Les Choristes/The Chorus/放牛班的春天 (2004)
Nuovo Cinema Paradiso/Cinema Paradiso/天堂电影院 (1988)
Al di là delle nuvole/Beyond the Clouds/云上的日子 (1995)
La vita è bella/Life is Beautiful/美丽人生 (1997)
Malèna/西西里的美丽传说 (2000)
Le Peuple Migrateur/The Traveling Birds/迁徙的候鸟 (2001)
Windsor Castle: A Royal Year (2006)
Movie - Déjà vu - Chinese (and other Asian)
醉拳/Drunken Master (1978)
少林寺/Shaolin Temple (1982)
A计划/Project A (1983)
警察故事/Police Story (1985)
英雄本色/A Better Tomorrow (1986)
红高粱/Red Sorghum (1987)
秋天的童话/An Autumn's Tale (1987)
胭脂扣/Rouge (1987)
赌神/God of Gamblers (1989)
最后的贵族/The Last Aristocrats (1989)
大红灯笼高高挂/Raise the Red Lantern (1991)
黄飞鸿/Once Upon a Time in China (1991)
秋菊打官司/The Story of Qiu Ju (1992)
推手/Pushing Hands (1992)
笑傲江湖之二:东方不败/Swordsman II (1992)
暗恋桃花源/The Peach Blossom Land (1993)
霸王别姬/Farewell My Concubine (1993)
城市猎人/City Hunter (1993)
方世玉/The Legend of Fong Sai-Yuk (1993)
青蛇/Ching Se (1993)
太极张三丰/The Tai-Chi Master (1993)
唐伯虎点秋香/Flirting Scholar (1993)
喜宴/The Wedding Banquet (1993)
大富之家/It's a Wonderful Life (1994)
东邪西毒/Ashes of Time (1994)
东成西就/The Eagle Shooting Heroes (1994)
活着/To Live (1994)
精武英雄/Fist of Legend (1994)
九品芝麻官/Hail the Judge (1994)
旋风小子/Shaolin Popeye (1994)
阳光灿烂的日子/In the Heat of the Sun (1994)
饮食男女/Eat Drink Man Woman (1994)
赤子威龙/My Father is A Hero (1995)
大话西游/A Chinese Odyssey (1995)
我要活下去/I Want To Go On Living (1995)
摇啊摇,摇到外婆桥/Shanghai Triad (1995)
冒险王/Dr. Wai in the Scripture With No Words (1996)
秦颂/The Emperor's Shadow (1996)
甜蜜蜜/Comrades, Almost a Love Story (1996)
半生缘/Eighteen Springs (1997)
玻璃之城/City of Glass (1998)
不见不散/Be There or Be Square (1998)
征婚启事/The Personals (1998)
我的父亲母亲/The Road Home (1999)
花样年华/In the Mood for Love (2000)
卧虎藏龙/Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000)
大腕/Big Shot's Funeral (2001)
十七岁的单车/Beijing Bicycle (2001)
蓝色大门/Blue Gate Crossing (2002)
无间道/Infernal Affairs (2002)
寻枪/The Missing Gun (2002)
英雄/Hero (2002)
美人草/Mei Ren Cao (2003)
手机/Cell Phone (2003)
可可西里/Kekexili: Mountain Patrol (2004)
天下无贼/A World Without Thieves (2004)
千里走单骑/Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles (2005)
如果·爱/Perhaps Love (2005)
神话/The Myth (2005)
头文字D/Initial D (2005)
最好的时光/Three Times (2005)
东京审判/The Tokyo Trial (2006)
疯狂的石头/Crazy Stone (2006)
满城尽带黄金甲/Curse of the Golden Flower (2006)
伤城/Confession of Pain (2006)
不能说的秘密/Secret (2007)
练习曲/Island Etude (2007)
色戒/Lust, Caution (2007) *
投名状/The Warlords (2007)
海角七号/Cape No. 7 (2008)
非诚勿扰/If You are the One (2008)
风声/The Message (2009)
建国大业/The Founding of a Republic (2009)
情书/Love Letter (1995)
四月物語/April Story (1998)
엽기적인 그녀/我的野蛮女友/My Sassy Girl (2001)
/假如爱有天意/The Classic (2003)
醉拳/Drunken Master (1978)
少林寺/Shaolin Temple (1982)
A计划/Project A (1983)
警察故事/Police Story (1985)
英雄本色/A Better Tomorrow (1986)
红高粱/Red Sorghum (1987)
秋天的童话/An Autumn's Tale (1987)
胭脂扣/Rouge (1987)
赌神/God of Gamblers (1989)
最后的贵族/The Last Aristocrats (1989)
大红灯笼高高挂/Raise the Red Lantern (1991)
黄飞鸿/Once Upon a Time in China (1991)
秋菊打官司/The Story of Qiu Ju (1992)
推手/Pushing Hands (1992)
笑傲江湖之二:东方不败/Swordsman II (1992)
暗恋桃花源/The Peach Blossom Land (1993)
霸王别姬/Farewell My Concubine (1993)
城市猎人/City Hunter (1993)
方世玉/The Legend of Fong Sai-Yuk (1993)
青蛇/Ching Se (1993)
太极张三丰/The Tai-Chi Master (1993)
唐伯虎点秋香/Flirting Scholar (1993)
喜宴/The Wedding Banquet (1993)
大富之家/It's a Wonderful Life (1994)
东邪西毒/Ashes of Time (1994)
东成西就/The Eagle Shooting Heroes (1994)
活着/To Live (1994)
精武英雄/Fist of Legend (1994)
九品芝麻官/Hail the Judge (1994)
旋风小子/Shaolin Popeye (1994)
阳光灿烂的日子/In the Heat of the Sun (1994)
饮食男女/Eat Drink Man Woman (1994)
赤子威龙/My Father is A Hero (1995)
大话西游/A Chinese Odyssey (1995)
我要活下去/I Want To Go On Living (1995)
摇啊摇,摇到外婆桥/Shanghai Triad (1995)
冒险王/Dr. Wai in the Scripture With No Words (1996)
秦颂/The Emperor's Shadow (1996)
甜蜜蜜/Comrades, Almost a Love Story (1996)
半生缘/Eighteen Springs (1997)
玻璃之城/City of Glass (1998)
不见不散/Be There or Be Square (1998)
征婚启事/The Personals (1998)
我的父亲母亲/The Road Home (1999)
花样年华/In the Mood for Love (2000)
卧虎藏龙/Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000)
大腕/Big Shot's Funeral (2001)
十七岁的单车/Beijing Bicycle (2001)
蓝色大门/Blue Gate Crossing (2002)
无间道/Infernal Affairs (2002)
寻枪/The Missing Gun (2002)
英雄/Hero (2002)
美人草/Mei Ren Cao (2003)
手机/Cell Phone (2003)
可可西里/Kekexili: Mountain Patrol (2004)
天下无贼/A World Without Thieves (2004)
千里走单骑/Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles (2005)
如果·爱/Perhaps Love (2005)
神话/The Myth (2005)
头文字D/Initial D (2005)
最好的时光/Three Times (2005)
东京审判/The Tokyo Trial (2006)
疯狂的石头/Crazy Stone (2006)
满城尽带黄金甲/Curse of the Golden Flower (2006)
伤城/Confession of Pain (2006)
不能说的秘密/Secret (2007)
练习曲/Island Etude (2007)
色戒/Lust, Caution (2007) *
投名状/The Warlords (2007)
海角七号/Cape No. 7 (2008)
非诚勿扰/If You are the One (2008)
风声/The Message (2009)
建国大业/The Founding of a Republic (2009)
情书/Love Letter (1995)
四月物語/April Story (1998)
엽기적인 그녀/我的野蛮女友/My Sassy Girl (2001)
/假如爱有天意/The Classic (2003)
Monday, February 16, 2009
I saw a big smile icon on my friend's gtalk status, and I fumed.
M: me
F: friend
M: you are happyM: me
F: friend
you dare to be happy when i'm in despair
F: I'm happy because my friend, you, is still alive.:)
M: oh
that's surprisingly sweet
i need to rethink about it
F: I am a sweet person.:)
M: you are now permitted to be happy
F: thanks your honor
happiness is an attitude.:)
but it's easy said than done.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
So my Valentine this year is...
The Fourth Amendment.
Sorry, Fifth Amendment. Had the V-day fallen on Feb. 15, it would have been you...
Sorry, Fifth Amendment. Had the V-day fallen on Feb. 15, it would have been you...
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Equity is the name given to the set of legal principles, in jurisdictions following the English common law tradition, which supplement strict rules of law where their application would operate harshly, so as to achieve what is sometimes referred to as "natural justice". It is often confusingly contrasted with "law", which in this context refers to "statutory law" (the laws enacted by a legislature, such as Parliament), and "common law" (the principles established by judges when they decide cases).
In modern practice, perhaps the most important distinction between law and equity is the set of remedies each offers. The most common civil remedy a court of law can award is monetary damages. Equity, however, enters injunctions or decrees directing someone either to act or to forbear from acting. Often this form of relief is in practical terms more valuable to a litigant; for example, a plaintiff whose neighbor will not return his only milk cow, which had wandered onto the neighbor's property, may want that particular cow back, and not just its monetary value. However, in general, a litigant cannot obtain equitable relief unless there is "no adequate remedy at law"; that is, a court will not grant an injunction unless monetary damages are an insufficient remedy for the injury in question. Law courts also enter orders, called "writs" (such as a writ of habeas corpus), but they are less flexible and less easily obtained than an injunction.
Another distinction is the unavailability of a jury in equity: the judge is the trier of fact. In the American legal system, the right of jury trial in civil cases tried in federal court is guaranteed by the Seventh Amendment, but only "[i]n Suits at common law," i.e., in cases that traditionally would have been handled by the law courts. The question of whether a case should be determined by a jury depends largely on the type of relief the plaintiff requests. If a plaintiff requests damages in the form of money or certain other forms of relief, such as the return of a specific item of property, the remedy is considered legal, and a jury is available as the fact-finder. On the other hand, if the plaintiff requests an injunction, declaratory judgment, specific performance, or modification of contract, or some other non-monetary relief, the claim would usually be one in equity.
A final important distinction between law and equity is the source of the rules governing the decisions. In law, decisions are made by reference either to legal doctrines or to statutes.In contrast, equity, with its emphasis on fairness and flexibility, has only general guides known as the maxims of equity. As noted below, a historic criticism of equity as it developed was that it had no fixed rules of its own, with the Lord Chancellor from time to time judging in the main according to his own conscience. As time went on the rules of equity did lose much of their flexibility, and from the 17th century onwards equity was rapidly consolidated into a system of precedents much like its common-law cousin.
Charles Dickens' Bleak House parodied the excessive time and expense associated with the Court of Chancery, the court that heard suits in equity in 19th-century England.
from wiki
In modern practice, perhaps the most important distinction between law and equity is the set of remedies each offers. The most common civil remedy a court of law can award is monetary damages. Equity, however, enters injunctions or decrees directing someone either to act or to forbear from acting. Often this form of relief is in practical terms more valuable to a litigant; for example, a plaintiff whose neighbor will not return his only milk cow, which had wandered onto the neighbor's property, may want that particular cow back, and not just its monetary value. However, in general, a litigant cannot obtain equitable relief unless there is "no adequate remedy at law"; that is, a court will not grant an injunction unless monetary damages are an insufficient remedy for the injury in question. Law courts also enter orders, called "writs" (such as a writ of habeas corpus), but they are less flexible and less easily obtained than an injunction.
Another distinction is the unavailability of a jury in equity: the judge is the trier of fact. In the American legal system, the right of jury trial in civil cases tried in federal court is guaranteed by the Seventh Amendment, but only "[i]n Suits at common law," i.e., in cases that traditionally would have been handled by the law courts. The question of whether a case should be determined by a jury depends largely on the type of relief the plaintiff requests. If a plaintiff requests damages in the form of money or certain other forms of relief, such as the return of a specific item of property, the remedy is considered legal, and a jury is available as the fact-finder. On the other hand, if the plaintiff requests an injunction, declaratory judgment, specific performance, or modification of contract, or some other non-monetary relief, the claim would usually be one in equity.
A final important distinction between law and equity is the source of the rules governing the decisions. In law, decisions are made by reference either to legal doctrines or to statutes.In contrast, equity, with its emphasis on fairness and flexibility, has only general guides known as the maxims of equity. As noted below, a historic criticism of equity as it developed was that it had no fixed rules of its own, with the Lord Chancellor from time to time judging in the main according to his own conscience. As time went on the rules of equity did lose much of their flexibility, and from the 17th century onwards equity was rapidly consolidated into a system of precedents much like its common-law cousin.
Charles Dickens' Bleak House parodied the excessive time and expense associated with the Court of Chancery, the court that heard suits in equity in 19th-century England.
from wiki
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Out and Elected in the USA
“A critical marker of a maligned class of people’s Arrival in a Democratic society is the ascendance of its members to public office.”
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
[law firm name withheld] Beijing lawyers have served clients in China and throughout Asia on transactions involving: infrastructure project financing, including power generation and telecommunications; banking and financial services; political risk insurance; foreign direct investment and mergers, acquisitions and joint ventures; capital markets; tax; intellectual property; administrative law; and investment dispute resolution.
Friday, February 06, 2009
Fordham Law Alumnus Receives NYSBA’s 2009 Outstanding Young Lawyer Award
Fordham Law Alumnus Receives NYSBA’s 2009 Outstanding Young Lawyer Award
"Of the many exceptional nominees we received this year, Andrew Sparkler proved to be an exemplary candidate for this prestigious award. He is an inspiring role model for young lawyers in his commitment to the law and his community," said Young Lawyers Section Chair Sherry Levin Wallach. "More than 40 percent of third-year law students and 24 percent of lawyers in New York suffer with depression, and I commend Andrew for raising awareness about the severity of this issue as he continues what is sure to be a distinguished career."
* I personally doubt the accuracy of the percentage cited here.
"Of the many exceptional nominees we received this year, Andrew Sparkler proved to be an exemplary candidate for this prestigious award. He is an inspiring role model for young lawyers in his commitment to the law and his community," said Young Lawyers Section Chair Sherry Levin Wallach. "More than 40 percent of third-year law students and 24 percent of lawyers in New York suffer with depression, and I commend Andrew for raising awareness about the severity of this issue as he continues what is sure to be a distinguished career."
* I personally doubt the accuracy of the percentage cited here.
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Love and the Shoe
Premier Wen Jiabao gives Rede Lecture in Cambridge
2 February 2009
Premier Wen Jiabao of The People’s Republic of China made the trip from London to the University of Cambridge this afternoon despite the snowstorm to give the prestigious Rede Lecture at West Road Concert Hall.
He spoke to a packed and receptive international audience of more than 500 staff and students about the history of development in China, the challenges ahead and the present financial crisis. The lecture was entitled: "See China in the Light of Her Development".
He then responded to questions from the audience.
His lecture was briefly interrupted by a member of the audience who was removed from the lecture by University Proctors and has subsequently been arrested by Police on suspicion of breach of the peace and attempted assault.
The Vice-Chancellor, Professor Alison Richard, said: "We were much honoured that Premier Wen gave the Rede Lecture this afternoon, and I was delighted to accept his gift of the China Digital Library, in recognition of the University's 800th Anniversary.
"I deeply regret that a single member of the audience this afternoon failed to show the respect for our speaker that is customary at Cambridge. This university is a place for considered argument and debate, not for shoe-throwing."

I would not have used the word 卑鄙 because it does not convey the right meaning.
He may not be eloquent, but it does not disqualify him from being a much-admired leader--having 86,181 supporters on Facebook is not easy for a non-elected official.
2 February 2009
Premier Wen Jiabao of The People’s Republic of China made the trip from London to the University of Cambridge this afternoon despite the snowstorm to give the prestigious Rede Lecture at West Road Concert Hall.
He spoke to a packed and receptive international audience of more than 500 staff and students about the history of development in China, the challenges ahead and the present financial crisis. The lecture was entitled: "See China in the Light of Her Development".
He then responded to questions from the audience.
His lecture was briefly interrupted by a member of the audience who was removed from the lecture by University Proctors and has subsequently been arrested by Police on suspicion of breach of the peace and attempted assault.
The Vice-Chancellor, Professor Alison Richard, said: "We were much honoured that Premier Wen gave the Rede Lecture this afternoon, and I was delighted to accept his gift of the China Digital Library, in recognition of the University's 800th Anniversary.
"I deeply regret that a single member of the audience this afternoon failed to show the respect for our speaker that is customary at Cambridge. This university is a place for considered argument and debate, not for shoe-throwing."

I would not have used the word 卑鄙 because it does not convey the right meaning.
He may not be eloquent, but it does not disqualify him from being a much-admired leader--having 86,181 supporters on Facebook is not easy for a non-elected official.
Monday, February 02, 2009
Today's news from WSJ
Downturn Idles China's Laborers
Rural Areas Feel Pinch as Government Estimates 20 Million Migrant Workers Lost Jobs in Slowdown
Now Hiring: Lehman
As Bankrupt Firm Winds Down, Gigs There Are Hot Commodity
Phelps Apologizes for Pot-Pipe Photo
Rural Areas Feel Pinch as Government Estimates 20 Million Migrant Workers Lost Jobs in Slowdown
Now Hiring: Lehman
As Bankrupt Firm Winds Down, Gigs There Are Hot Commodity
Phelps Apologizes for Pot-Pipe Photo
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